Elmesthorpe Village Hall
Elmesthorpe Village Hall
Elmesthorpe Villagers & Friends Association
Elmesthorpe Villagers & Friends Association 


  • Total Pilates ( Every Monday)


Session Time: 9.30 - 10.15 am

Cost: £6.00 a session or £30.00 for a 6 week block.

Contact: Emma Sylvester. Tel 07704 034093

E Mail: emmasylvester121@outlook.com



Session Time: 10.30- 11.15 am


NB. Sessions also currently run on Fridays -See below

  • Elmesthorpe Flower Group

Meets every other Monday. 1.30 - 3.30 pm

Contact: Linda Coleburne (City & Guilds, N.A.F.A.S)

Tel 01455 846534

E Mail: lindacoleburne@gmail.com


We are a friendly group always pleased to welcome new flower lovers. Most aspects of flower arranging and floristy are covered. Also we have social outings, garden centres, lunches etc.

Beginners to advanced flower arrangers show their skills by stageing an annual display for local charities.


  • Yo Lates

 10.00 am - 11.30 am  -  Yo Lates For All Ages -

 Contact Emma for more information



  • Stitch Club/Crafty Ladies:

  1.00 pm - 4.00 pm  - Contact Ellen Vealey  01455 635095


  •  Earl Shilton Flower Club:

3rd  Tuesday of the month  7.00 pm

Contact  Roz Fell 07791133181



  • Shaman Dancing. Ballroom for beginners. 

       7.30 pm - 9.00 pm

          Let us teach you to dance, we make it fun and easy so you will get gentle exercise and start to feel fitter.  Contact Paul & Jo Sharman 01455 449857 or 07972062776. E Mail sequence.dancing@ntlworld.com


  • Parish Council Meeting

       Meets Bi Monthly. 1st Thursday of the month

  • Elmesthorpe Women`s Institute

       Meets every 3rd Thursday of the month 

          7.30 pm - 10.00 pm            

          Contact : Karen Alsop   Tel 07966 537847

          E-Mail: karen.alsop1@ntlworld.com


          The doors open at 7.00 pm and the meeting starts at 7.30 pm with WI business which usually lasts around 15 minutes. Then the speaker is introduced or an activity takes place which normally lasts for 45 - 60 minutes. We aim to have a cup of tea/coffee and biscuits by 9.00 pm which we refer to as the social time during which we have a raffle and good gossip. Up to date information regarding the current month can be found on our Facebook page:



  • The Old Clock Club

    2nd Thursday of the month, September to April.              7.00 pm to 10.00 pm.   

     Contact David on 01455 847375. 

     E Mail  david.grimshaw3@talktalk.net


      A friendly and social club for those having an interest in old clocks and watches. Each meeting has a speaker and/or demonstration and we provide trips to places having a clock or watch interest. Members have interests across all aspects of clocks and watches, ranging from beginners to the more knowledgeable and all are willing to share their enthusiasm for the hobby.

2019 is this local clubs` 30th year, having been based in Earl Shilton before moving to Elmesthorpe.

If you think you might be interested please come to a meeting - the 1st one is always free!. The annual fee is £10.00 for 8 meetings although a contribution for trips and the Christmas party is usual.

An annual programme is available, either at a meeting or by contacting David


  • Total Pilates   - Every Friday


Session time: 9.30 - 10.15 am

Cost: £6.00 a session or £30.00 for a 6 week block.

Contact: Emma Sylvester Tel 07704 034093 

E Mail    emmasylvester121@outlook.com


What is Pilates:

Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength. This helps to improve general fitness and overall well-being.

Similar to Yoga, Pilates concentrates on posture, balance and flexibility. In Pilates the chance of injury is much lower than with other more strenuous forms of exercise.

Pilates also focuses on the mind-body connection. While doing the various exercises your mind needs to be constantly aware of your breathing and the way your body moves.

 **Sessions also run on Mondays**


  •  Elmesthorpe Folk Dance Club:

7.45 - 10.15 pm -  2nd and 4th Friday of most months, excluding part of July and December and all of August.

There is a caller for all dances.  Beginners and those with experience are welcome.


Contact Pat Gibbs 01455 272659 or Roy on 01455 846203 or Pauline on 01455 823093


  • Social Dance

1st Saturday of the month  7.30 pm - 10.30 pm   Contact Paul & Jo Sharman 01455 449857 or 07972062776. E Mail sequence.dancing@ntlworld.com

  •  EVFA  Concerts

         (Usually 3rd Saturday of the month)                              See Events  Listings

Contact  Robert or Julie on 01455 612043


  • Fitness Bootcamp (KMBODYFIT)

Every Sunday. Classes at 9.00am & 10am.  Each class is 45 minutes - All abilities welcome and no pre-requisites when it comes to fitness - £3 per person, pay as you go.

Booking is required - text 07800881147 to book.

This class is designed to aid in weight loss and uses various techniques, including bodyweight and resistance training

Party or one off bookings.

For more information or to book the hall please contact the Parish Clerk:


Mrs Julie Gent

Tel 0752 8077240

e-mail clerk.elmesthorpe@hotmail.com


Please note for occasional events (Funerals etc) regular bookers may agree to forego or change their bookings.

Check out the weekly classes and meetings that take place in the village hall.

Click on Whats On and Events at the top of the page.

Charities we have supported

To date over 109 charities have benefited from the fund raising activities of EVFA

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© Elmesthorpe Villagers and Friends Association